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кандидат економічних наук,
доцент кафедри |
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD in Economics), Associate Professor of Finance
Graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2005 with the qualification “Economist” in the specialty “Finance”.
In 2012 defended the dissertation on the topic “Financial Provision of Social Protection of Youth” by specialty 08.00.08 – “Money, Finance and Credit” on.
In 2021 obtained the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Finance.
Author of more than 50 publications.
- Research was conducted within the theme of the Department of Finance “Formation of an Effective Model of the National Economic System’s Financial Resources Management”, which is performed within working hours.
- Tkachuk, I.H., Melnychuk, Y.M., Tkachuk, D.Y., Kyryliuk, I.M., Solodzhuk, T.V. Economic Mechanism for Managing the Strategic Development of Territorial Communities (2020) TEM Journal, 9 (4), pp. 1606-1613. DOI: 10.18421/TEM94‐36, November 2020. (Scopus)
- Viktor Melnyk, Maksym Zhytar, Roman Shchur, Nataliia Kriuchkova, Tetiana Solodzhuk Assessment of the Performance of the Financial Architecture of Ukrainian Economy: Budgetary, Stock and Social Aspects (2021). WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899. Volume 18. Art. #39, pp. 386-395 DOI: 37394/23207.2021.18.39 (Web of Science)
- Dmytrovska V.S, Solodzhuk T.V, Maksymiv M. FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Actual problems of economic development of the region: a scientific collection [ed. IG Tkachuk]. Ivano-Frankivsk: V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Publishing House, 2019 Issue 15. P.147-159. DOI: 10.15330/apred.2.15.147-159
- Solodzhuk, T., Kropelnytska, S., Statkevych, M. (2020). CURRENT ISSUES OF INTERNATIONAL AND CROSS-BORDER PROJECTS ’IMPLEMENTATION IN UKRAINE. Collection of scientific works ΛΌГΣ, 8-10. https://doi.org/10.36074/24.07.2020.v1.01
- Gumenyuk V.V, Solodzhuk T.V Currency regulation in the system of foreign trade’s factors intensification. Economic theory and law. 2019. № 2. pp. 11–27. URL: http://doi.org/10.31359/2411-5584-2019-37-2-11
- Gumenyuk V.V., Kis S. Ya., Solodzhuk TV, Kis GR Prospects for the financial communications of banking institutions development. Investments: practice and experience. 2019. № 10. P. 16 – 21.
- Solodzhuk T.V., Tsikhovska O.P. Methodological aspects of the analysis the financial statement of enterprise. Bulletin of the Precarpathian University. Economics series. – Issue XIV, 2019. P.231 – 235.
- Solodzhuk T.V. Socio-economic development of regions and features of its financing. Prospects for the development of territories: theory and practice: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of applicants for higher education and young scientists, Kharkiv, November 22-23, 2018 / Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after OM Beketov, Odessa National University named after II . Mechnikov, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazin [etc.]. – Kharkiv: KhNUMG them. OM Beketova, 2018. S. 399 – 401.
- Solodzhuk T.V. Risk management as a component of financial security management of the enterprise. Socially competent management of corporations in a behavioral economy: [materials intern. scientific-practical conf. (November 28, 2018)] / resp. ed. OM Polinkevich, LV Shostak. – Lutsk, 2018. P. 179 – 180.
- Kropelnytska S.O., Solodzhuk T.V., Shtefurak H.V. Conceptual bases of forming the system of financial and economic providing social protection involuntarily displaced persons with cluster approach. Actual problems of economic development of the region: scientific collection. Ivano-Frankivsk: Airborne Forces of the Precarpathian National University. В.Стефаника. 2017. Issue XIII. Vol.2. Pp. 184 – 195
- Solodzhuk T.V. State Fund for Regional Development as an instrument of socio-economic development of regions. Proceedings of the International scientific-practical Internet conference “Management of socio-economic systems in the new economy” (October 19, 2017, Poltava). Pp. 198 – 200.
- Kropelnytska S.O., Solodzhuk T.V. Social insurance: textbook. way. [View. 3rd, ext. and rework.] K .: “Center for Educational Literature”, 2013. 336 p.
Taught Courses: Financial Management, Social Insurance, Foreign Exchange Operations, Financial Engineering, Analysis and Management of Financial Assets.
Research interests: financial management, financial asset management, project financing, project implementation by usage of international project financing instruments, features of foreign exchange transactions and implementation of Ukraine’s monetary policy; issues of social protection.
Participation in the project of sectoral budget support of the European Union “Creation of a Project and Educational Center for the development of innovations and investments in the region” (2019 – 2020), participation in ensuring the sustainability of project results after its completion. URL: http://agentyzmin.pnu.edu.ua/
Certification training:
- Mobility, Slovakia (August-November) Certificate № CZ956 / 2019KS dated 14.11.2019 (CEASC / CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY IN RUZOMBEROK)
- International internship. Topic: “International partnership projects – step by step” /2019 / 11/028 (UNS / CEASC) from 14.11.2019 (180 hours)
- International scientific internship “Project management and grant activities. Experience of educational organizations and EU Development Foundation ”within the framework of the sectoral budget support of the European Union“ Creation of the Project and Educational Center for the development of innovations and investments in the region ”at The Bronislaw Markiewicz State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jaroslaw, Limited Liability Company REA 150 yrs. (Diploma of completion 2018/12/18)
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankivsk 76000, Ukraine
E-mail: tetiana.solodzhuk@pnu.edu.ua